Best Management Practices

Maximize Yields/Improve Water Quality

Are you using best management practices on your farm? BMPs are conservation practices that can help reduce fertilizer runoff, prevent erosion and help you manage manure. BMPs will help protect water and air quality on your farm and, in many cases, will improve your bottom line by reducing operating costs. Some of the most widely used BMPs include:

Cover Crops

Cover crops are planted after the main crop has been harvested. They help reduce erosion, absorb excess fertilizer, and enrich the soil with organic matter.

No-Till or Conservation Tillage

Traditional plowing disturbs the soil, while no-till reduces erosion and runoff by minimizing that disturbance and helping the soil hold moisture.

Stream Buffers

Stream buffers are strips of native grasses, trees or shrubs that border waterways. Buffers absorb and filter runoff such as excess fertilizer before it can reach the stream. Buffers should be at least 35 feet wide.

Nutrient Management Plans

A nutrient management plan can help you understand how much fertilizer to use and when to use it. This will help you reduce fertilizer costs and minimize the amount of excess fertilizer that can runoff into streams.

BMPs can help you maximize yields while improving water and soil quality. Learn more about BMPs on the OSU Extension website or contact our office and ask us how we can help you.

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