Fingerling Fish Sale
Fingerling Fish Sale
Fish Delivery
Those purchasing fish will need to bring their own containers filled with fresh pond water. A five-gallon bucket will transport 100 fingerling fish, while a 20-gallon garbage can is needed to handle up to 10 white amur. Each container needs to be lined with a clean garbage bag which will be tied shut and injected with oxygen for those traveling longer distances. This will ensure that the fish will be in good condition when released into the pond. Those purchasing fish should plan on transporting them directly to the pond without delay. Deadline for ordering fish is Tuesday, September 17, 2024 by noon. Pickup is Thursday, September 19, 2024 from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM at the Allen County Fairgrounds located at 2750 Harding Highway, Lima, Ohio 45804.
There are no refunds for unclaimed fish.

Bluegill are popular food for largemouth bass as well as humans. Most bluegills can spawn by age two when they are about 3 inches long. Young bluegills feed on tiny microscopic plants and animals. Adults feed on insects, snails, small crayfish and fish eggs. Bluegills can grow to six inches in two to four years if provided enough food and space and some have even grown over 10”.
25 bluegill for $31.00
Size: 2″-4″
Hybrid Bluegill
Hybrid Bluegill are a cross between a male bluegill and female green sunfish. This cross produces a fish with the large mouth of the sunfish and the aggressiveness of the bluegill, which enables the fish to grow faster and larger than common bream. It will feed on a commercial feed with annual growth rates of up to ½ – ¾ pounds per season. With a good management these fish can reach weights of 2-2 ½ pounds.
25 hybrid bluegill for $31.00
Size: 2″-4″
Largemouth Bass

Largemouth Bass are the number one predator in ponds. They begin spawning about the age of three when they are 10”-12” long. As adults, their diet consists of insects, crawfish and small fish (bluegill and small largemouth bass). Largemouth bass grow to an average size of 1-2 pounds and live from 4-6 years.
25 largemouth bass for $37.00
Size: 2″-3″
Channel Catfish

Channel Catfish are mostly bottom feeders, preferring live or dead insects, crayfish and, occasionally, aquatic plants. Catfish have a tendency to stir up the bottoms of shallow ponds and cause the water to become muddy. Their average adult size is 14”-16”.
25 catfish for $29.00
Size: 4″-5″
Fathead Minnows

Fathead minnows are small fish that swim in schools and are used as feeder fish. We recommend 1,000 per surface acre to allow for breeding.
100 minnows for $13.00
Size: feeder
White Amur

White Amur are members of the minnow family. They usually live 10 to 15 years and can grow to weigh 100 pounds. White amur feed on leafy, rooted aquatic plants, such as pondweed and coontail. Lacking these, they will consume floating duckweed, green algae and even cattails.
1 white amur for $21.00
Size: 8″-10″
Red Ear Shell Cracker

Red Ear Shell Cracker thrives in clear, warm impoundments with rooted vegetation. They are attracted to submerged vegetation and trees. In well managed waters with good habitat, red ear sunfish will reach 9 to 11 inches in length.
25 red ear shell crackers for $31.00
Size: 2″-4″

Perch prey upon aquatic insects, invertebrates, a wide variety of fishes, and on the eggs of other fish species. Adults average between 7-12” and weigh between 4 ounces and 1 pound.
25 perch for $31.00
Size: 2″-3″
Japanese Koi

Japanese Koi is a domesticated version of common carp. These fish come in many different colors and varieties and are a great addition to your backyard pond.
1 for $17.00
Size: 5″-7″
1 Gallon Nature’s Pond Conditioner (NPC)
5 Gallons Nature’s Pond Conditioner (NPC)
Optimal Fish Food 40# (40% protein)
Pond Management Book by Steve Fender